Bayside Tutoring

Bayside Tutoring Cheltenham
5/250 Charman Road Cheltenham VIC 3193
Bayside Tutoring Sandringham
5/24 Bay Road Sandringham VIC 3191
We offer one-on-one tutoring sessions for students in prep to year 12. The students are matched with tutors based on personality, teaching style and subject experience. This helps build rapport easily as well as allowing the tutor tailor sessions to match the needs of each individual.
Our services include:
● One-on-one tutoring (minimum one hour)
● Small group tutoring (Maximum 4 students)
● Essay correction for students in Years 7-12
● Exam workshops (VCE)
● SEAL Program Preparation and Assistance
Available at 2 locations in Cheltenham and Sandringham.
Contact: Alexia De Fazio
Phone: 0450 565 647