Fantastic Felines Cat Grooming

Fantastic Felines Cat Grooming is a feline exclusive grooming service that has recently expanded our services from the Sunshine Coast to include Melbourne. To start with we will be grooming from 4 Brady Cl, Braeside.
We are a sedation free service and work one on one with your cat. Your cat needs to be comfortable with being touched and handled for us to groom them. Generally, if you are able to pick your cat up easily and handle them normally without the cat trying to bite and scratch you, we don’t usually have much trouble grooming them.
Cats very much dictate the grooming process and the groom is based around what the cat will tolerate, causing as little stress and risk to the cat as possible. We start off with a “wish list” from the client, and work towards achieving that.
We offer everything from lion cuts, comb cuts, de-sheds and nail cap applications. Every full grooming service includes a de-greasing bath and blow dry.
With over 20 years experience working with animals, Angela introduces the cat to the whole process tailored to suit each cats individual temperament and works on her own with your cat.
Please check out our Facebook page for pictures of our grooms and the website for pricing and information on the services we provide.
Contact: Angela Hunt
Phone: 0478 970 420