Mattress & Pillow Science

Our objective is to improve our customers’ quality of life through improved sleep by providing the right mattress, pillow and overall sleep solution to suit their needs.
Since 2005 we have been working closely with back-care professionals, physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors and professionals in the health industry. We specialise in providing top quality sleep solutions that solve their clients’ issues relating to their lack of healthy, restful sleep. Our diverse range covers mattresses, pillows and all top of bed solutions including quilts, protectors, temperature regulation and many products for travel, ant-snoring and, of course, kids.
Our mattress range is well researched, relevant and compact, giving you plenty of choice without confusion. Many of our mattresses are designed by us, based on many years’ experience and sound product knowledge.
Our pillow range is extensive, with classic or contour designs in all materials and brands to choose from, and we provide advice on the correct height and comfort. Whether you have a specific complaint (neck, back or shoulder pain, insomnia, snoring, sleep apnea, pregnancy or allergies) or are searching for a better, longer-lasting pillow, you can rely on Mattress & Pillow Science for information and expertise.
Phone: 7503 1060