TWC Group


About TWC Group

TWC Group is a firm of building certifiers and development consultants that has in excess of 22 years’ experience in building certification and property development. Based in Melbourne, TWC has been experiencing solid long term business development based on the provision of timely, accurate and sound professional services.

We have extensive experience through both the private and public sectors of the building certification and property development industry. We have assisted in the completion of multiple commercial projects providing expert consultancy on all aspects of building certification, including provision of reports for technical due diligence, disabled access requirements and development consultancy where necessary.

By choosing TWC Group you are choosing a building consultant that strives to provide the best value consultancy services possible. You can be confident that you will receive first class service and expert regulatory advice of the highest calibre. At TWC Group, we understand that your project is important and are here ready to assist you in any way possible.

Our Resources
TWC Group have an integrated business model that includes extensive resources to ensure your project is a success. Our in-house staff, associates and business partners are on call to ensure every project time line is met. As part of undertaking any engagement, a time and motion study of the proposed program is prepared to ensure that adequate staff are allocated to the project. Our highly competent staff have undertaken additional studies in the use and application of performance-based fire codes and are qualified by the Building Practitioner’s Board to certify performance based alternative designs. This allows us to implement alternative solutions that can result in substantial cost and time savings.

Quality Assurance
TWC Group has a quality policy in place that ensures all services provided are of the highest quality possible and compliant with relevant legislation. We operate in an all-electronic environment. Documentation is managed professionally and TWC Group can review, endorse and provide certified copies of all documentation in electronic format. A stringent system of data backups is implemented to ensure your data’s security.

Why Choose TWC Group
With an unblemished industry reputation and a proven track record, TWC Group place a strong emphasis on project delivery that includes only quality outcomes for our clients. The executive leadership of our Director, Troy Walters – combined with the service capability of like-minded and professional business partnerships ensure TWC Group are commitment to assist your project over the line from inception to completion.

Contact: Troy Walters
Phone: 9598 5695


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